Network topology


Defination of Network topology:-

1. The way of connecting the computers in a network is called as topology.   OR

2.The topology of a network is "the geometric representation of the relationship of all the links and linking devices in a network".    OR

3 Network topology is define as "the physical interconnection between various element on computer network, such as links and nodes".


1. Bus topology
2. Ring topology
3. Star topology
4. Mesh topology
5. Tree topology
6.Hybrid topology

1.Bus topology :-

1. In networking , a topology that allows all network nodes to receive that same message through the network cable at the same time is called as Bus topology.

2.A network that uses a bus topology is referred to as "Bus network".

3.When the transmission medium has exactly two endpoints, the network topology is known by the name, 'linear bus topology'.

1. It is cost effective and cabling cost is less than other topologies.

2. Easy to install and set-up. It is very easy to connect a computer or peripheral to a bus.

3. Easy to expand joining two cables together.

 1.  Collision may occur.

2.Cable has a limited length, so it cannot a large number of computers.

3.Terminator are required at both ends of the backbone cable.

2.Ring topology :-

1. Ring topology is a network topology that is set-up in circular fashion. It called ring topology because it forms a ring as each computer is connected to another computer, with the last one connected to the first. Exactly two neighbors for each device.

2. Token is a special three byte frame that travels around the ring network. It can flow clock wise or antilock wise.

3. Ring topology is a point to point network.

1. Require less cabling.
2. Less expensive.
3. Handles high volume of traffic.

Disadvantaged :-
1. Traffic is unidirectional.
2. Slow in speed.
3. Difficult for troubleshooting in the ring.

3.Star topology :-

1. Star topology is one topology in which a central unit called a hub or concentrator host a set of network cables that radiate out to each node on the network.

2. Hub acts as a junction to connect different nodes present in star network, and at the same time it manges and control whole of the network.

Advantage :-
1. Easy to install, reconfigure and wire.
2.Eliminate traffic problem.
3.Fast as compare to ring topology.
4. It is easy to detect tha failure and troubleshoot it .

4.Mesh topology :-

1. In a mesh network topology, each of the network node, computer and other devices, are interconnect with one another.

2. This type of topology is very expensive as there are many redundant connections, thus it is not mostly used in computer network.

Advantage :-
1. Mesh topology is robust . If one link becomes unusable, it doesn't not affect other systems.

2. Eliminates traffic problem.

3. Point to point link make fault identification and troubleshooting easy.

Disadvantages :-
1. More cables are required than other topologies.

2. Set-up and maintenance of this topologies is very difficult.

3. Expansive due to hardware requirements such as cables input/output ports.

5.Tree topology :-

1. In tree topology, the number of star network are connected using bus. This main cable seems like a main stem of a tree, and other star network's as the branch.

2. As its name implies in this topology devices make a tree structure .

3.Tree topology integrates the characteristics of star and bus topology.

Advantage :-
1. Easy to install and wire. as compare to other topologies.
3.Eliminates traffic problems.

Disadvantage :-
1.the cabling cost is more

2.scalability of the network depends on the type of cable used.

3.failure in the central hub brings the entire network to a halt.

6.Hybrid Topology :-

1.Hybrid topology is used to connect a network that is divided into smaller section also known as segments.

2.two common examples for hybrid network are ring network and bus network

1.unlike other network, fault detection and troubleshooting is easy in this type of topology.

2.Hybrid topology is the combination of two or more topologies, so we can design it in such a way that strength of constituents topologies are maximized while their weakness are neutralized.

Disadvantages :-

1.The hubs used to connect two distinct network are very expensive.

2.configuration and installation process needs to be very efficient.

3.As hybrid architecture are usually larger in scale, they require a lot of cables, cooling systems, sophisticated network devices, etc.

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Author-Ankesh kumar
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