fundamental of programming

                                                 Fundamentals of Programming    

The goal of this article is to provide a simplified mental framework for dealing with all programming languages. In my years of studying different languages alongside with mathematics, I found that they share the same structure. These transferable mental structure have speed up my understanding of any new language I encounter.
In the realm of programming, the whole field can be simplified by thinking of two main players, the data type (object of study) and the functions (method). The data are objects upon which we operate our functions to generate another data. The dynamics between the data type and functions allow us to solve complex problems in just a few codes.
In learning any new language, approach it by having, at the back of your mind, the dynamics of the different data types/data structures with all the allowable functions.
Data type: a classification of data that determines how the compiler or interpreter will process the data. It defines the allowable operations on the data, the meaning of the data, and how the data can be stored.
Function: a clustered sequence of operation to perform a well defined action. Different programming languages uses different terminology for functions: methods, sub-routines, procedures. Function introduces a key concept in programming called scope.
Dynamics: the dynamics of data and function is provided by the looping and iteration rules — also referred to as Control Structure. It literally controls the structure of your program. The ‘for’ loop and ‘while’ loop are some example of providing a dynamic to the whole program. These dynamics allow the programming language to solve problems in a faster way. These dynamics provides the ‘DRY’ principle a role in programming.
Programming Paradigms:
The different language paradigms developed over the years are developed due to the developer’s different mind-set of what to emphasize, data or functions. Object-oriented languages are more inclined to think that everything in the universe is an object. The functional language thinks that everything in the universe is function. The essence of functional programming is that programs are a combination of expression. Expression includes concrete values, variables, and also functions. [1] There are other language paradigms which focus mainly on the dynamics.
Always bear in mind that languages come and go but there fundamental structure stays the same. One advice to learn them all,
In learning any new language, approach it by having, at the back of your mind, the dynamics of the different data types/data structures with all the allowable functions.


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